Machine Risk Assessment Cooperative effort to identify the tasks and hazards associated with machine safety risks.

  • A risk assessment involves an in-depth look into the current state of a machine as well developing mitigation recommendations to bring risks to an acceptable level.
  • Review all machine modes, tasks for those modes, and hazards associated with those tasks with operations and maintenance personnel.
  • Examine the guarding and safety system components and circuitry to identify the current gaps and safety function performance levels.
  • Provide a safety requirements specification for risk reduction measures to bring the machine into compliance with current standards.
  • Facilitate a follow up meeting to review the documentation provided and determine next steps.

A risk assessment will involve our machine safety expert working in conjunction with your operators and maintenance staff to identify the tasks and hazards associated with those risks.  The existing system will be evaluated to and used to generate a Risk Reduction Plan that can be used to help mitigate risks.  For plants or corporations with multiple similar machine we can assist to develop a standard for machine upgrades and new machine acquisitions. 

The proposal includes a Risk Assessment (RA), Risk Reduction Plan (RRP), and Safety Requirements Specification (SRS). The SRS can include the definition of safety function and technical requirements of the safety functional solutions to direct a detailed design of the safety related parts of the control system.